"New Moon"
Finishing this book was the same as finishing the first one asking more questions and wanting to start on the next one!!! I think this second book was much more enticing then the first one, only because you already knew most of the main characters and that allowed more focus on the story than developing the characters. The thing that stinks is that I have to wait until next week to get the third book as all the stores around here are out of them...boo hoo!!!!
Bella continues to be lonely, hearing Edward's voices and making wonder when and how he will come back. And Jacob came out ended up being Edward's mortal enemy, but Bella's best friend. Which caused a lot of conflict to Bella making her choose the love of her life to her best friend. As Bella got more aware of how she could unconsciously bring Edward back into her life she continued on her daredevil ways, with the motorcycles, cliff diving and almost drowning to have Laurent almost kill her when she went back into the woods alone. That's when it became even more interesting, if that's possible because now Alice saw her future and thought she was trying to commit suicide and of course Jacob being enemies steered Edward to believe she had died. So what was Edward to do but go to Italy to take his own life, as now he had no reason to live.
Edward and Bella both heartbroken over each other, both trying to save one another but only causing more pain to everyone around them. Bella saved Edward but only with the warning that she would eventually have to become a Cullen. Not that she objected to that, but Edward was very unsure of what she should do and wanted her to wait but of course as Bella is, she didn't want to wait. Then it happened Edward gave her a condition, a condition I am not sure she ever said yes to.....a proposal and I guess they were going to wait until after graduation, but it will definitely be interesting to see how the Voltri will come back into the picture? If Bella allows Edward to transform her?? And will Jacob come back into her life somehow? And will Bella and Edward marry, have children??
So many unanswered questions, which makes me more impatient to move onto the next book!!!! Hopefully Walmart will get my book in the mail quickly, because I don't know how long I can hold Adriane out from moving on.......I know it'll be hard for me!!!!
Happy Reading!!!

I amnot going to download the next one until you receive yours so that I am not inclined to start reading it. So make sure you tell me the minute you get yours! Do you want to discuss Sunday?
Thank you, sorry I couldn't find it at any stores around here and now they are saying it won't be delivered until Thurs......I am getting very impatient!!!! I did read the first chapter at the end of this book, did you? See you Sunday around 9!
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