Book of Bella
Being the final book in the series I really had no expectations on what was going to happen, other than the fact that I knew Bella was going to change into a Vampire one way or another. The Book of Bella starts out with their engagement and the luxuries of being Edwards fiancee. She is driving a new car that she found out wasn't even offered in the United States, but she had one and now as she hated to be the center of attention, she was! Then it was the day of her wedding, another day she was not looking forward too as again the attention she would receive, but in the end Alice made everything perfect! And Jacob even showed up, but unfortunately it ended badly with Edward having to step in and make him leave. It just shows that Jacob even though he has been defeated will never give up, at least not easily. Then it was off to their honeymoon, with no information of where they were going only that Alice had packed her bags and she was off. Off to a beautiful island that Carislie had bought for Esme, and they were going for a week, two weeks or months it really didn't matter as they had no reason to return. Money wasn't it an issue, graduation was over so it was just wedded bliss for the newlyweds. Until the unthinkable happens, Bella becomes pregnant with what they are unsure of what the baby is, a vampire or a human or a little of both?
Book of Jacob
Jacob is still lost without Bella and was hoping to have her come with him, not marry Edward...the bloodsucker. But then something happens, he goes to visit Bella one last time and finds her in a position, one he never thought he would see....she was pregnant. He couldn't believe it and goes back to the Pack to have Sam say they have to get that child before it destroys everything. But Jacob knows what that means, it means that to get the child they will have to take Bella's life too. So he decides to do the unthinkable and leaves the pack to go to the Cullen's house to help protect Bella and the unborn child from the Pack, and then Seth decides he wants to help along with eventually Leah. Now it starts to get complicated because of course Bella is in a lot of pain as the baby continues to grow at a rapid pace, and Jacob is unsure what Sam's plans are so he is constantly on watch with Leah and Seth's help, but he starts to mingle with the Cullen's and they have a sort of peace for now, which is truly hard for Leah but Seth after his fight with Edward starts to blend in with the Cullen's life. It ends up the Pack for now is stepping back because without the three of them they are to weak for the Vampires, plus the Elders have decided against it for now. Edward and Jacob come up with a plan, let's trying feeding the baby blood to see how it reacts to see if they can help Bella regain some of her strength or at least try to save her life, and surprisingly it works and to Bella's surprise she actually has a sort of taste for it. Finally it's time, time for the birth and re-birth of Bella as a Vampire. All goes well as Edward begins the process as soon as Renesme is born and it goes a lot smoother than anyone can imagine. It has finally happened, Bella and Edward can finally be together forever, the change is done!
Onto the Second Book of Bella.............
Happy Reading!!!

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