Part 1
Adriane, sad but true I have to agree that I live the same life with the same feelings and like Luke in the story you try and try, try to make things better, try to see past his faults and realize he is who he is but never will he be more than what he is, your father by blood and you love him but he'll never be what you want him to be. And I guess that's ok, once you know that and realize you aren't going to change Luke he tried to help him as much as he could but only realized that he loved his father, and accepted for who he was and decided when to help him and when to let him go. I think if we were in Luke's situation and the hurricane hit, like Luke we would really have to consider it but in the end we'd have to know if he was dead or alive.
And at these times, you start to go back as Luke did and remember the good with the bad because that's all we have is our memories, and how we have affected everyone in our lives. The good memories get you through the hard times and the bad memories make you a stronger and better person wanting to change history, not repeat it. I can't imagine what Luke was thinking and maybe almost hoping his Dad was gone, not suffering anymore blaming himself for his wife's death but I did get the impression that when he walked through the door of the bar and saw the woman he assumed was his Dad's girlfriend, this was going to be the downfall of his emotions wandering with all the death and destruction...could he still be alive and that he had to search for him.
I do like the quote you put in there, as you are right there is always another verse to everything. I know in my current situation, I feel like Luke did when he was going through the emotions of losing his mother for years and his father to alcohol, that my life keeps spinning out of control and what keeps me going is my son of course, but also the fact that as that quote stated there has to be another verse and that everything works out maybe not the way we picture it, but it works out in a way that will only make us stronger in the end.
Continuing on to Part 2!!!
Happy Reading!!!

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