Sunday, September 28, 2008
Part 2 & 3

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Part I
Back to the story...
The relationship between Luke and Charles actually reminds me of my own relationship with my father. He was more or less there for me when I was a child and then we grew kind of distant when I was a teenager and after. He then came back into my life for a little while when the girls were really young, and then disappeared again when I moved to North Carolina. He is still distant. He is and will always be my father, but does not play the part.
My favorite quotes of sort from Part one is "Every song, no matter how short, has a second verse. You just have to find it." I think that is so true about all of our lives. There is a reason behind everything that happens and you just have to wait for the next verse!
I also truly believe in how Charles described true love to Luke...There is a spark when you're together that you can almost see and there is a pain you can hardly bear when you are not! I am sort of going through this right now with my husband being in OCS. We are a part all week and then I get to see him for a few hours on the weekend. Through the week I sort of have this pain or emptiness in the pit of my stomach knowing that he will not be home.
My other favorite thing I actually adapted into a family ritual around here and that is O.G.T. (One good thing). Everyone in my family has to tell about O.G.T. that has happened in their lives each week.
I cannot believe that I am relating this story to my own life, but it actually resembles it in some ways.
Time for Part II!
Happy Reading,
Friday, September 26, 2008
Part I
On to Part II!!
Happy Reading!

My Thoughts and Introduction
As an introduction...My name is Adriane and I have been reading for as long as I can remember. My oldest daughter, Haley, is a huge bookworm! My other daughter, Lauren, likes to read but would rather play outside. Both of my girls have to read for at least 15 minutes every night. I usually do not have trouble with them on this as they enjoy reading and it is more or less a habit now. Like Kelli, I have been reading to them since I was pregnant with them. Haley has even joined the American Girl Bookclub at our library.
Happy reading,
"Recovering Charles"
Luke Millward is a man who does not know he is lost. His girlfriend loves him, his career is going well, and every night he falls asleep knowing that his life is good and meaningful. Only when the past reveals its twisted smile in a phone call and a disconnected voice asks him to come find his father in post-Katrina New Orleans is Luke compelled to find out what kind of man he truly is.
Jason F. Wright is the New York Times bestselling author of Christmas Jars and The Wednesday Letters. He lives in Woodstock, Virginia with his wife, Kodi, and their four children. A sign on their door reads, "Friends welcome. Family by appointment only."
This novel was given to me by Adriane who if I recall was referred by a friend. This is our first novel to our "official" Book Club 101 and our hopes are to instill insight from each other and anyone else who wants to join. I personally have been reading my entire life and am beginning to instill those values onto my son, Nico who is turning 2 next week. We try to read almost every night and he even takes books, sits on the couch and flips through them! So with our first book introduced....Welcome and hopefully we'll keep this going for many, many books to come!!!
Happy Reading!!!