Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"New Moon": Chapters 1-9

Everything seemed to be perfect in Bella's life, she was being accepted by the Cullen's and spending almost every moment with Edward. Charlie was accepting Edward and they were even starting to hang out together watching sports, that I am sure that Edward had absolutely no interest in. Then it happened, Bella's birthday party that she didn't want and opening a gift she cut her finger, causing everyone in the room especially Jasper to come after her pushing her into a table filled with glass plates, cups etc. Which in turn caused another cut, luckily Carlisie who had gotten use to the smell of blood was able to stitch up the gash and Esme stepped in to clean up the mess after calming down. This was the beginning of the end, and even though from that moment on Edward knew, Bella didn't catch on for a couple of days of distance and the blank look in Edward's eyes. Until finally, Edward had to tell her it was time to leave Forks and without a doubt Bella's life changed forever.

Now she couldn't function, she didn't want to do anything but sulk in her sorrows of missing Edward not knowing when he would return or if he would. Then she realized she needed something, something to get her going so she got a couple of motorcycles and took them to the only person she knew who could fix them, Jacob Black. And this seemed to really turn her around until what we saw as a Cult got to him, then that relationship was all over too. Well so we thought......

Then there was the Black Bear everyone was afraid of and the voices she swore were Edward, which caused more questions?? Was he really gone? Things are starting to heat up again and it makes me wonder what is going to happen next....and Adriane and I made a promise to stop at certain spots, and I kept my promise but boy was it terribly hard!!!!
Now on to the next part, which I have read almost all of it in one night....so much going on, gotta keep up!!!! Sleep, who needs sleep....LOL!!!

Happy Reading!!!

The second book in the Stephenie Meyer's Series, "NEW MOON". We are very excited about this book as the last one left us hanging and wanting more!!! I am super surprised at much I have enjoyed these books as well as much I have not been able to put them down. It's almost like I would rather read then sleep....I NEVER thought I could say that!!!!


"Which is tempting you more, my blood or my body?" Things are heating up between Bella Swan and her vampire boyfriend, Edward Cullen, in this sequel to the immensely popular Twilight (2005). Then Bella is injured at her birthday party, and the Cullens' reaction to her blood sends Edward's family packing. Bella is inconsolable until she discovers that reckless behavior allows her to hear Edward's warning voice in her head. To keep him close, she decides to live as dangerously as possible, acquiring two motorcycles and developing a close friendship with Jacob, who helps her rebuild them. Romantics will miss Edward's presence, but the suspense created by a pack of werewolves bent on protecting Bella from a vindictive vampire will keep them occupied until the lovers can be reunited. The writing is a bit melodramatic, but readers won't care. Bella's dismay at being ordinary (after all, she's only human) will strike a chord even among girls who have no desire to be immortal, and like the vampires who watch Bella bleed with "fevered eyes," teens will relish this new adventure and hunger for more

Happy Reading!!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Twilight (Spoiler Alert)

Do not read this until you finish the book...

The last part of this book went so fast that I had to read it straight through, you cannot put it down. Some of my questions were explained and it made some more questions. Why in the hell did he not let her become a vampire once it had already started after getting bit? I think the Indian man is going to keep putting his nose in where it does not belong and will eventually tell her father that she is dating a vampire. I am still wondering if Charlies already knows that they are vampires. I will not go into anymore detail about the ending since I am not sure if you have finished yet or not.

At the end of my book was the first chapter of the second book. I have to admit that I read it and was so upset that I could not read further since I promised. I am so ready to continue on to the next book!

Happy reading,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twilight: Part 1

This book has really caught my attention, from page to page or chapter to chapter it's almost like I can't put it down but force myself too because of course I have Nico to play with...but my laundry has suffered some!! There is so much to question and it seems like when they answer one of my questions, I have another one. It's a romance, but not really...it's a vampire story, but not really and even though I just wrote that and it makes no sense, it makes sense.....Adriane am I crazy?!?!?!

The first 12 chapters have been foreshadowing and made me wonder, does Bella have powers too? Why can he read everyone else's mind but not her's, is it because he is in love with her and the heart is messing with his powers. Or does she have a power that is stopping him and why did she truly choose to come to Forks, did something draw her or was it her mother truly? And why did her mother and father divorce, does it have something to do with the Cullen's or another vampire? So many questions, and not enough answers yet but as I am told these answers will all come clear...........I just have one last question, why won't you tell me the answers now??? LOL!

Can't wait for the second half and will definitely be spending some of my time off during Nico's nap times and when he goes to bed finishing this book! That way we can move on to the next one "New Moon" and I can wonder a million other things.

Happy Reading and Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I have heard so many things about the Twilight series that I had to choose this for our next pick! Although it's something that I would of never even picked up, with everyone talking about it, it truly got my attention. It's a series that I recommended to Adriane, and she talked to some people who said it was great and this made our minds up to try a series. So without further adu......

Twilight: Book 1

by Stephanie Meyer


Deeply sensuous and extraordinarily suspenseful, TWILIGHT captures the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires. This is a love story with bite.Isabella Swans move to Forks, a small, perpetually rainy town in Washington, could have been the most boring move she ever made. But once she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen, Isabella+s life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. Up until now, Edward has managed to keep his vampire identity a secret in the small community he lives in, but now nobody is safe, especially Isabella, the person Edward holds most dear. The lovers find themselves balanced precariously on the point of a knife-between desire and danger.
Author Bio:
Stephenie Meyer graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor's degree in English. She lives with her husband and three young sons in Phoenix, Arizona. After the publication of her first novel, Twilight, booksellers chose Stephenie Meyer as one of the "most promising new authors of 2005" (Publishers Weekly).

Happy Reading!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I have just one word for this book, and that is WOW! I have to admit I was a bit skeptical not knowing anything about the author and/or the book, plus being a newly published book with not many reviews that I saw but it caught my attention from the first page to the last. Adriane, you definitely picked the right book for the right time of year, GREAT PICK!!!

So with that said.....

The Christmas Sweater, began about a young boy, Eddie, who's family wasn't rich or poor that just enjoyed life until his father tragically died of Cancer and it seemed to change his world forever. His Mom having to sell the house, the car and business, leaving her with working two jobs around Eddie's schedule just trying to make things "normal" again but also trying to put food on the table. She was too proud of a woman to take any help, and even though her parents were always there she was determined to do it on her own, which in it's own way made Eddie resent her because of that she couldn't always give her what he thought he needed.

To Eddie, this Christmas was one he was never going to forget, because he was determined this year he was going to get the Huffy Bike that he had been hinting about all year, and he was sure his mother had been saving for. So he was being the best he could be, looked everywhere just like Grandpa had taught him to only to find a letter telling him that he shouldn't be looking, Gosh, she knew his every trick! Until Christmas was finally here, and he looked around the tree thinking, Mom is hiding his very special gift and saving it for last. Until, with the brightest eyes, his Mother gives him his last gift and he is thinking it's a picture or a note saying where the bike was, only to be disappointed by the sweater his mother took so much time and effort making. To his Mother, the sweater was beautiful and because it was handmade she knew that Eddie would love it and was hoping that since the bike was out of her budget that he would understand. Unfortunately, that's not what happened and for the first time, he not only was disappointed by his mother's gift but now he was going to act like a spoiled child not getting the perfect gift in his eyes. This sweater represented so many things, and although we understood what it meant he could only see it as the bike that he was cheated. Sadly, in my eyes it seems that is what Christmas has turned into, not spending time with our family and friends, appreciating what we have but wondering what we were going to get under the tree.

As cold as Eddie was, not only to his mother but then his grandparents when the bike didn't appear and the hurt and anger his mother felt as she saw the sweater on the floor in a ball, he still didn't understand the way he was acting or what he had could be taken away so quickly. And by acting like a spoiled child, him and his mother decided to go home that night, a snowy night and his mother who was much to tired to be driving, and because of the bike he thought he was owed and the pain in his mother's heart, they drove their last drive. A drive that could of been avoided if only Eddie would of realized the love and dedication of not only his Mother, but his Grandparents who only wanted them to stay.....

Now he is without a Mother or Father and his Grandparents are trying to do the best they can, but as angry as he is, Eddie doesn't want to be saved and the sweater is the only thing he has left of his Mother and to him it's what is the root of his sadness, where really if he wouldn't acted so bitter he could of seen that the sweater was everything to his Mother and they might have stayed the night, only to wake up fresh and renewed. But as with everything in life, would of, should of, could of we can't take back the past but Eddie needed to get on with his life and not blame everyone else. His Grandfather tried, his Grandmother cried and he made a new friend who he thought had it all because they were rich, but truly Taylor was just as sad with his parents never really being there for him. But of course all Eddie saw was that he had anything and everything he wanted. Then he met Russell, who truly understood him and tried to help him understand that everyone goes through life with hardships and he had no one to blame for what happened, it just happened as that was life was about. Although, of course Eddie didn't want to hear what Russell was saying but thought he was his friend, someone who truly understood him.

Then finally Eddie could take no more, his Grandparents wouldn't let him live with Taylor, and he couldn't be there anymore. So he packed his bag, found the bike he was suppose to get until he acted like a spoiled child not getting what he wanted and started for somewhere else other than where he was. But something happened, he couldn't find Russell at his house and he was so angry that he didn't see the hole that was in the road and he fell, fell so hard that it knocked him out. When he awoke, he found his bike crumpled up and Russell who was guiding him through the storm that was approaching, approaching so fast that he kept looking back even as Russell was trying to talk him through the dark place he had gotten himself in too. This is where he finally realized what he had done, how he had acted and what the sweater really represented. Along with what he had lost, his father and now his mother, but also his grandparents who thought he was almost a lost cause.

Now it was time, time for him to forgive and ask to be forgiven which he was and when he awoke again his mother was standing over him. He looked into his mother's eyes, only to be ask for forgiveness and explain that the sweater was the best gift ever and although he wanted the bike, he finally understood the sweater was truly what he needed. It was all a dream, a dream that only God could have let him see and be so real, and he truly found the meaning of Christmas, what family meant to him and how horrible he acted all for a bike.

So this Christmas, I am going to appreciate my family and realize how special they are to me. Especially as this year has been so hard, with my surgeries and my step-father's Leukemia progressing, along with the everyday hardships we go through. I can honestly say that this has been one of the worst years of my life, but I can also say that as Eddie did, I realized that the bad comes with the good and that is what teaches us to appreciate and only become stronger. So this holiday season, hug your children a little harder and take the moment to make that phone call or trip and realize our lives are in the hands of God and we need to appreciate each day that he gives us to wear the "sweater".

Merry Christmas!!!

Until our next pick........