"A Walk to Remember"
Part 1: Chapters 1-4
Landon Carter starts his Senior Year of high school unsure of what to expect, he knows that he doesn't want to take a challenging class because this is the year to have a little fun so he signs up for Drama. And to his surprise he and another boy are the only to males in the class, this story is about a man who reflects on the best year of his life and everytime he thinks about it, he can recall that year word for word.
Jamie is the Pastor's daughter that Mother's died at childbirth and her father Hegbert never really got over it. Jamie is a kind soul that relys on God's word and works through his eyes. She donates her time whenever possible and prays for everyone to see the light, she is a one of a kind and sees good in everything and everyone. Landon on the other hand is the typical Senior kid who only wants to have fun, and will do it at anyone's expense even Hegbert because why not?
So Landon's father who is a Congressman and lives in Washington, D.C. ninety percent of the time decides Landon needs to do something to pep up his college application to his father's Alma Mater, the University of North Carolina. So his father asks him to run for Class President, which of course Landon has no interest in but ends up running to please his father. Since he is best friends with the star jock of course he wins the race, and now has to head up the Homecoming Dance which he realizes that he has to find a date because being the President means you have to attend. So he begins calling potential dates, but of course he has waited to long and now the only possibility is Jamie, who yes he sees in a different way then before but knows he is going to hear it from all his friends. The next day he goes through the motions of going to her house and asking her to the dance, which to his surprise she says YES! He is sure Hegbert is not going to be happy, but knows that he will only want his daughter to be happy and asks Landon to come early the night of the dance. Landon shows up a half an hour early, to only have Hegbert give him a lecture on making sure this is not a ploy to hurt and embarrass his daughter. Of course he tells Hegbert it is not his intention and they off are their merry way. Jamie and Landon dance, talk and have fun until Landon's ex-girlfriend shows up and he is accused of staring at her by her boyfriend. Of course Jamie jumps right in and saves the day, only defusing the situation. Then the ex-girlfriend gets sick from the alcohol she has consumed and Jamie and Landon are forced to clean up the mess and take her home.
This is when Landon really sees Jamie in a totally different way, a way that even in the hardest situation she just walks into it and lends a helping hand. This to me is the real beginning of what is about to erupt into a totally different relationship that Jamie always saw coming, but Landon never thought could be possible until now. And now Jamie is asking him for a favor by playing the lead in the play. He feels obligated to do it after what Jamie has done for him, and now his friends are harassing him but for the first time it really doesn't bother him.
This story is a true story of kindness and I think true love that will evolve into something Landon never saw coming. I think Jamie always knew Landon was special and finally she can prove it by showing him the "light".
Onto the second part!!!
Happy Reading!!